Key person cover.
Running a good business means having great people. But if someone has to deal with an injury or illness and are unable to work, it can quickly lead to a range of business issues from managing workloads, loss of income, delays and even cashflow. Key person cover is the business partner you need for times like these.
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Business expenses cover.
If you’re a sole trader, small business owner, or a partner in a business, you’ll know all too well how much money, time and energy goes into running it. But if you couldn't work because of illness or injury, how confident would you be that all that hard work would be protected, and your business could keep going? That’s where our Business expenses cover comes into its own.
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Life insurance for business.
Smart businesses know that if a key person such as a business owner, loan guarantor or shareholder dies, the business might not struggle given all the expenses and planning required to keep it going. Life insurance for business pays a lump sum to help cover a range of costs from repaying business loans to business continuity.
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Trauma cover.
When it comes to serious medical issues or illness, you can’t afford to muck around. Nobody wants to have to think about this stuff, but you probably won't be able to work as usual, and your care costs can mount up quickly. Trauma cover takes away a lot of the financial pain, so you can focus on getting better while covering medical and recovery costs – and keep your business supported.
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Total and permanent disability for business.
This Total and permanent disability (TPD) policy can help make sure that the business can have the financial support to help make the right decisions for the future. For example, if a transfer of shareholdings is needed if the insured person become totally and permanently disabled and are no longer able to work in the business. You can take it with Life insurance or take it as a stand-alone.
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Rural key person.
Farmers are the lifeblood of the country we call home. But if a key worker gets seriously sick or injured and can't work – the farm can’t stop. In fact, it can quickly lead to a range of business issues from managing workloads, loss of income, delays and even cashflow. Rural key person cover is the business partner you need for times like these.
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Key person for farmers.
If you’re new to farming, Key person for farmers is the financial safeguard that’s right for you. Specially designed for those who have more recently taken over ownership or management of a farm it can help provide support if a key worker is struck down by sickness or injury that means they can’t work.
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Group insurance for employees
Group insurance helps look after your employees.
Why choose Fidelity Life.

* Fidelity Life has an A- (Excellent) financial strength rating from A.M. Best. The rating scale that this rating forms part of is available for inspection at our offices. For more information please visit Fidelity Life's financial strength page.
Disclaimer – the information contained in this webpage is a summary of the key points of this insurance policy and is general in nature. It is not, and is not intended to be, a policy document.
Details of definitions, benefits, standard exclusions/limitations, terms and conditions are contained in the full policy documentation which is available from your financial adviser. Please refer to current policy documents for specific details. This webpage does not provide a personalised financial advice service.